Wednesday, March 9, 2011

She turned me into a Newt...

It's probably not a big surprise to learn I'm not a big fan of Newt Gingrich. But I generally avoid the topic because, well, it's just too easy to take shots at him. At the very least, his name is begging for people to ruefully ask why he never got better. And the stories of his hypocrisy about all things marital fidelity-like are legendary. True, some of them are probably mere urban legend, but still, it's a little questionable to crusade against a politician's affair with an intern while yourself carrying on with a congressional aide.

But today's headline is just too funny and I have to throw a little crap Gingrich's way. According to a story on MSNBC, Newt maintains that "love of country contributed to affair." Really? He said, "There's no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate."

(Side note: Things happened? Not, "I did things." No, those things just happened. Dude, drop the passive voice and own your actions!)

So because he loved his country too much, he worked too hard and things happened. That may be one of the most self-congratulatory explanations for infidelity I have ever heard. It's like he's urging us all to see what a great president he would make because he loves his country so much, he'll trash a marriage or two in service to it. Perhaps it is time for us all to return the favor and show Newt how much this country loves him. We should all not vote for him for President, out of love for him, to prevent his wrecking marriage #3.


BellsforStacy said...

I don't understand why politicians that were prominent 20 years ago think that they should be relevant now.

I wish he'd go away.

S said...

I totally agree. It's like sports champions who don't know when it's time to hang it up. I'm sure you could name numerous Democrats from 20 years ago who would inspire the same reaction from me.

I don't think he's a serious contender for the 2012 nomination because he's so 20 years ago. But I still think his explanation for why he cheated is funny. (Though I really don't care that he cheated.)

Language Lover said...

HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, I totally missed this. Thanks for sharing.

The excuses some people can come up with....

BellsforStacy said...

He's the Brett Farve of Politicians! :)

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